I'm glad about the left contestants, they all deserve it.
It's a pity to see three of them will be off of the show.
Can't really make up my mind who I think best fits INXS, Marty or JD?
Both have wonderful voices, good stage performances and songwriting/ composing talents, especially JD.
I prefer Marty's Tree than JD's Pretty Vegas though, but Pretty Vegas is more energetic.
The vibes did spread.
JD also has one more thing that no other contestants can beat, controversy.
He sells.

People hate and love him, and what about his 'peace 448' meaning?
Ty and Deanna have gone.
Still I think Deanna has a unique and great voice!
Ty, he has a great voice too, but his attitude was a bit disturbing!
I lost appetite seeing him stuck out his tongue many times like that.
Dave even exclaimed 'ewwwww', and warned him more or less that 'this isn't that kind of show'.
If JD stuck out his tongue improperly like that too, I wouldn't fancy him either.
Ty's final words that pull the race card is really embarrassing.
Why blaming his defeat on other people?
I'm glad he's out!