"Hey, what did you do to my blog?"It's Leet , on the other side of the connection.
"Nothing. Why?"etc...etc....
"It doesn't appear on Google search! You must have done something"
"What will I tell my friends now?? I told them just to type Leet and they'd find me"
"Now their searches will lead to nothing"
"It's your fault"
She went frantic!
And of course she suspected me. I know her password -she doesn't mind I play with her blog setting/ template/ layout, and though I might not have enough know how about html/template/css/blahblahlanguage, I'm not as illiterate as she is about this thing :-D
These days Leet has really become Google-ized after reading The Google Story, and I think that what influenced her to join the Blogger world now.
I don't know what's happened with Leet's blog, it does not appear on Google search anymore. Poor her! And this is her S.O.S...
"Now, how am I gonna be famous?"