I have sent some invites to friends, but it seems the invites don't work immediately because last time when I checked, my friends said they haven't received it. Wonder if it does work like that? I noticed that when I sent the second invite,GoogleWave gave funny notice that the invites will need time, because they have a lot of stamps to lick :-))
Invite others to Google Wave
Google Wave is more fun when you have others to wave with, so please nominate people you would like to add. Keep in mind that this is a preview so it could be a bit rocky at times.
Invitations will not be sent immediately. We have a lot of stamps to lick.
Happy waving!
Didn't know that it would be this long time, and what is the difference then between to-get-invited-by-member and to-be-in-waiting-list-of-Google wave-invite?
Probably they need more tongues in Google Wave....Who wants to volunteer? :-D
So if the invite from me still has not arrived, just wait patiently.
Who else wants it?