Have you ever?

Photo by Thomas Hawk

I get some questions from Monica, and here they are with their answers:

1. Have you ever been on TV?
My auntie and my late uncle told me that they saw me on tv. They said I was at a library, reading a book, lol.

2. Have you ever sung in public?
Well..I'm a Church goer, so it's obvious it's a yes.

3. Have you ever dyed your hair blond?
Yes, ash blond if I'm not wrong.

4. Have you ever eaten frogs' legs?
Used to be my childhood favourite dish, until I found out that my late last dog -Zippo- befriended frogs :-D

5. Have you ever received a present that you really hated?
Nope, but a present that made me bored, yes. Lol...but I can't reveal it here.

6. Have you ever walked into a lamp post?
Nope, I think I have sensitive detector system.

7. Have you ever cooked a meal by yourself for more than 15 people?
Oh no...I would be hungry first.

8. Have you ever fallen or stumbled in front of others?
Yes, and it happened in front of my senior highschool principal and her important guess. She was showing him the school and they found me at the school cafeteria chatting up with a friend, and it's not even at a break time, and I suddenly lost my balance when they came into the cafeteria. I fell off my seat and my back kissed the floor. It didn't hurt, but I remember I felt so embarrassed and was hoping they didn't see my panties, heh.

9. Have you ever done volunteer work?
Yes, small scale though, and through internet.


Anonymous said...

3. Have you ever dyed your hair blond?
yes i have. but when my parents see my new hair colour they think i am crazy or depression.


Monica said...

Hi Ori! I'm here, finally!
LOL @ #8 :-D

Ori said...

@Deden: lol...that could be said the victim of fashion? As for me at that time, my Mom didn't mind but my Dad said something like "How come I have a Caucasian daughter now?"

@Monica: it's always great to see you around!! :))

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