Well, if you are just a small blogger like me and want to grow the blog or you are already big but still want to get bigger, Qassia can help by rewarding its users with backlinks, credit and revenue whenever users share intel, a short word of intelligence, which is nothing but tidbit of information aka those things that we usually write or show on blogs. Users can write anything that they like as far as the intel is in English and a non-porn article.
The quality of intel in Qassia is maintained by voting system, which means an intel can only be published or rejected after get screened by minimum of 10 users. The intel rating goes by 6 choices:
A - Outstanding
B - Good job
C - Decent enough
D - Below average
E - Awful
F - Fail [Reject]
Users also get credit or bonus by screening other's intel, a first user who rates an intel will get a bonus of $5 while the rate that goes with the majority and which turn our to be near to the final score will gives the rater $10, that all be valid when the intel get 10 users to screen it.
Qassia is also a good instrument to feed your adsense because Qassia allow users to run Google Adsense ads, and unlike many other websites who also allow sharing Google Adsense, Qassia leaves 100 percent of the adsense revenue to users.
If you like what you read about Qassia and want to join, please accept my invite on ioi.qassia.com by clicking the sign up because Qassia is currently in closed Beta and by invitation only. Thank you!!